About Me

Hello, my oiler friends! Welcome to a new YOU - a you of health and joy!

I’m Susan Jackson, also known as Lala Lavender (a fabulous nickname bestowed upon me by my granddaughter)...your doTERRA Wellness Advocate!

Six years ago, I discovered the power of doTERRA essential oils and my life has not been the same. While enjoying my local farmer’s market, an oil angel suggested diffusing Breathe for my husband, who is a lung cancer survivor. When I saw how much his breathing improved [OR WHAT WAS THE BENEFIT TO HIM? BEYOND THE FACT THAT HE LIKED IT?], I was shocked, relieved..and hooked!

And I knew that there was a world of healing available to me - without pharmaceuticals. With the help of these oils, I was able to get off the medications - and their harmful side effects - I had taken for years to treat anxiety and depression!

That’s when I began the greatest healing adventure of my life - my doTERRA journey.

why i do what i do

My Passion With

Essential Oils

I’ve always been a healer. For many years, I worked as an addiction counselor. I was also passionately interested in the spiritual side of addiction, so I pursued a Master’s degree in existential and spiritual counseling from Johns Hopkins University.

In addition to this expertise, I have a certification in doTERRA Aromatouch healing massage technique, I’m a Level I Sekhem practitioner, the ancient Egyptian natural energy healing, a Level I Reiki practitioner, and I read Essential Oracle cards!

Healing has been the guiding light of my personal and professional life. With these various modalities of healing - Western and Eastern, scientific, psychological, as well as energetic and spiritual - I passionately believe that a balanced, holistic approach to wellness is what is missing from so many conversations around health today.

And I’m a grandmother and wife! So I have a full, busy life!

Want to learn more? Join my Facebook group, “Talkin’ ‘bout Oils with Lala Lavender.”

work with me!

My Essential Oil Business

Being a part of the doTERRA family has done more for me than just improving my wellness (although that would have been enough!). I have committed to this exciting work as a doTERRA Wellness Advocate because I passionately believe in the healing power of pure, natural oils and supplements.

The mission of doTERRA is to provide oils for everyone who wants to replace toxic, expensive, commercial products. I can feel good about how doTERRA harvests its essential oils because doTERRA works with farmers around the world to improve their lives and lift them out of poverty.

And doTERRA is dedicated to science and education! I knew that becoming a Wellness Advocate aligned with my own commitment to science, wellness, healing, and leaving the world better than I found it.

Healing with doTERRA has changed my life for the better.

And I know it can do the same for YOU.

Or go even deeper with my virtual course, Essential Oils Made Easy, which runs every Wednesday, 11:00am MST. Just fill out the enrollment form and receive a FREE essential oil ebook as a thank you!


Download My Latest e-Book For Free!

LaLa Lavender


Download My Latest e-Book For Free!

 doTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack®: Live Younger, Longer

Maximize Your Energy, Focus, and Well-Being

always be learning!

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